Track & Field - Spring 2025

The Youth Program is for boys and girls in grades 3-8. It includes all traditional Track & Field events listed below.
Meets are generally held on Sundays in April, May and June. We compete against other teams from the Lakeland League.
DIVISIONS: The Youth Program is divided into three groups. Competition is not dependent on grade. Age Regulations: The age of a competitor will be determined based on the year he/she was born (as of December 31, 2025).
13-14 (Birth Years: 2010, 2011, 2012)
11-12 (Birth Years: 2013-2014)
9-10 (Birth Years: 2015-2016)
100 meters
200 meters
400 meters
800 meters
1 Mile
Shot Put (6 lb. for ages 9-10; 8 lb. for ages 11-15)
Long Jump
4 x 100 meter relay
* Each athlete will be allowed to compete in no more than four events total and no more than two individual running events.
SCHEDULE: * Please note: We will be on the Track if possible. Our track availability depends on CHS sporting events.
Practices start the week of March 24th and end the week of May 26th.
Practices: Grades 3-5 : Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:30-7:30 at Cougar Field
Grades 6-8 : Mondays & Wednesdays 6:30-7:30 at Cougar Field
*You must practice with your grade level. No switching practice times.